Friday, August 10, 2007

Show and Rain

Yo yo. So we played our first show in about a month tonight and it went pretty well, considering that it was outside in the pouring rain. The day started off with a long boring drive out to Long Island aka the arm pit of the world. I understand that there is an on going debate over whether New Jersey is a worse place than Long Island and in all honestly they are exactly the same. We played a show tonight with Joan Jett and Head Automatic at the NY Balloon Fesitval and let me tell you there were no balloons there. If you are a balloon fanatic than you would have had no fun here because I am pretty sure it is dangerous to take balloons out in shitty weather. We showed up at about 2pm for load in and it was awful out. I made my way to the stage to see what the situation was and I met a very friendly man with a mullet mohawk named BEEF. He told me that today was a bad day to be a "stage pirate", whatever that means. So I took that as my cue to go to our dressing room and start having some cocktails. I really thought that because the weather was so bad that it was going to be canceled but the rock show went on as planned. Other than the stage being more of a swimming pool than a stage, it went very very well. Most of the time when we play after being dormat it is always a mess but this was a really fun show. There were a couple hundered soaking wet people there to see us and the energy was great. Thank you too all who came out. Sorry about the weather, if i was god I would have changed it. Have a good weekend.


Thursday, August 9, 2007


Welcome to my blog. I will be posting as much as possible. From time to time about intersting things that happen in my life and I would love to share them with you. So feel free to leave comments and let me know how you feel.
I read a very interesting post today on, it was pertaining to a post our bass player MIke Glita made about Senses Fail current events. A young man wrote a little paragraph about how Senses Fail sucks and Heath really made our last record something special. I agree with the latter part of the statement 100% but then I saw something that seemed rather puzzling. The author went on to post about how I "Buddy Nielsen" had "hookedup with his girlfreinds best friend and given her an STD". That just got me to thinking about how unfair and misleading the internet can be. I have had a wonderful girlfriend for the last 4 years of my life and have never hooked up with some random girl up in Buffalo or any girl for that matter, which is what the author was claiming. I just wanted to defend myself against a man with a very outdated scene hair cut and what he was saying about me. I would like him to state his sources and maybe in time challenge him to a duel. One where I slap him in the face with a white glove and we take 10 paces. All and all the internet is fun and exciting, where else can you see young kids getting hurt on bikes, girls fucking cows, hell even taradactals making love to women. It is truly a wonderful invention but please kids don't believe everything you read.
